Terms and Conditions: French Immersion Ateliers

Price & confirmation

  • Prices are in $NZ 

  • New Zealand GST (Goods & Services Tax) of 15% is included in cost.

  • The non-refundable deposit payment of 20% of the full price confirms your booking and acknowledges your agreement to our terms and conditions.

  • The non refundable deposit of 20% of the full price is only valid for the atelier/weekend you originally booked and is not transferable to another atelier/weekend.


  • The balance of the full  price is due 60 days prior to the start date of the atelier/weekend. If the full price is not received by this date, we reserve the right to cancel your participation and retain the deposit. 

  • Bookings can be made within 60 days provided full (100%) payment is made at time of booking (20% of the full price is non refundable)

Cancellation policy 

  • Bookings cancelled more than 60 days prior to the start atelier/weekend, we retain the non-refundable deposit of 20% 

  • Bookings cancelled between 59 days and 45 days, you will receive a refund of  75% of the balance of the full price (As the deposit is nonrefundable)

  • Bookings cancelled between 44 days and 31 days, you will receive a refund of 50% of the balance of the full price (As the deposit is nonrefundable)

  • Bookings cancelled within 30 days or less prior to the start of the atelier/weekend will not receive a refund.


  • When Boutique Tours France (based in Auckland) has to cancel a French language immersion atelier/weekend because of Covid restrictions, Boutique Tours France will retain a 10% of the full  price as administration cost.

  • In this case you will receive a refund of 90% of the full price.

  • BTF will not be responsible for covering any additional costs you may have incurred in preparation for the French Language immersion atelier/weekend.   

Travel Insurance

We strongly recommend you take out domestic travel insurance at the time of your  booking. For any cancellations received, we will apply the above terms and conditions. 


  • Account name: C F J BAMFORD & P M A SACKX

  • Account: 06-0122-0810810-00 

  • Reference: your name

  • Code: Akaroa or Auckland Atelier

Dietary Requests

  • Dietary requests will be accepted and passed on to the hosts  - chefs